Abuse Talk Podcast

EP22: Karen Evans on Armed Forces



I spoke with Karen Evans on what support is available for women living in barracks, Karen answered your questions as well.  Abuse Talk Podcast currently offers a series of interviews with those that work in the domestic abuse sector. Getting an inside feel for what its really like in their job role and sharing it with all of you. Now mixing with survivor stories. Don't forget you can respond to this episode by leaving a voice message on Anchor, get in touch if you have any queries. Our website: www.abusetalk.co.uk North East Hampshire Domestic Abuse Forum: www.nehantsdvf.co.uk Support available in link to the interview:   Armed Forces Based Confidential support services (recommended where possible as the staff are based in barracks / stations and understand the armed forces systems and what support / options there are as well as being independent of the chain of command)  Army Welfare Service (Intake and Assessment Team): 01904 882053 Monday – Thursday 0830 – 1630; Friday 0830 – 1600 (out of ho