Walking Dharma

Episode 33: Transmuting Anger Into Insight



This week's podcast is called,"Transmuting Anger into Insight." We dive into anger and how it manifests, how to work with it, how to clear it and how to use it as fuel for motivation. Several Buddhist mind training slogans are explored in relationship with how to utilize anger as a catalyst for change. "Whatever arises unexpectedly, join with meditation." "Don't be swayed by external circumstances." "Always meditate on that which provokes resentment." - Buddhist mind training slogans The original music at the end of the podcast is produced by @tecnicomusic (aka Karishtan) and can be listened to on Spotify here: https://open.spotify.com/album/2KxarC2rELTvT6MSufxnbk?highlight=spotify:track:0mWK6fBUfPS4hmnuGFxnOZ