Highrock Church Quincy

Our Citizenship is in Heaven



Does social distancing and isolation have you feeling frustrated and stir crazy? Most of us want to get back to "normal life" as soon as possible! But instead of seeing this as an interruption, what if we saw it as an opportunity? The apostle Paul was as busy as any of us as he spread the good news about Jesus all over the world. Suddenly, he was thrown into prison. He could have been annoyed or overwhelmed by that unwelcome setback, but instead he was so full of joy - in jail - that it overflowed out of his cell and changed the world! Our time in social isolation has been difficult, but it's nothing like what Paul endured. And if he found joy by following Jesus, then we can too! So this spring, join us as we consider how we could experience so much joy that it spills out of our homes and spreads to the world around us!