Zoe Nightingale

The Dark Truth About Fake News



As a podcaster, in moments like this, you want more than ever to be able to take your microphones to the streets and be able to amplify as many voices as you possibly can and try to help further causes like Black Lives Matter. However, I am deep in Colorado on road trip with my entire family with almost no access to the internet or phone service so for now, I am proceeding with another podcast that was scheduled for this week and will have to wait to join in the protests when I return to NYC this Monday. I promise you, I will do everything in my power to see the systemic racism that has plagued our country since it's inception stopped. I will do it with storytelling, fundraising, protesting, and getting representatives elected who can actually change the laws that have for centuries purposefully tried to suppress, oppress and incarcerate  the African American community.  But for now, I bring you the story of Dakota Gruener, the founder and CEO of ID2020.  A person that I am honored to call a friend and a woma