Hollywood Late Night With Rocco

Ep24 - Celebrity Sound Bytes with Rocco and Sunshine



Hang out with Rocco, Sunshine, Aggro Joe, and Rocco's buddy; Entertainment Journalist Jami Philbrick, who is the recipient of the "The Coolest Guy of the Week" award, only since he once interviewed Henry Winkler aka "Fonzie", who is the inspiration behind the Award. Jami Philbrick has interviewed a wide variety of Celebrities (just to name drop a bunch)such as; Michael Douglas, Albert Brooks, Jack Black, Stan Lee, Mark Ruffalo, Mike Tyson, Bruce Willis, the Muppets and Fraggles, Danny DeVito, Slash, Jennifer Anniston, Charlize Theron, Julia Roberts, and Oprah Winfrey, who was his favorite interview of all time. Does he tell us his Bruce Willis story? Find out on this episode. Listen to Celebrity Sound Bytes with us, as Sunshine and Rocco play a game called, "Sound Bytes with Sunshine and Rocco". Very clever title and an even more fun game! Also this episode, Jami tells all about his high school football days as "Rudy" of the "Reading Rockets" and also how Rocco lit a classmate on fire in high school! We close