Dumteedum - A Show About The Bbc Show The Archers By Its Fans

Dum Tee Dum Episode 73 – The aftermath



Long BH edition this week to address some more difficult issues which have appeared in The Archers this week and consequently the humour content is well down on the norm. Kenton first – the belief is that he is in need of counselling for a mental illness which will take a long time to repair but quite possibly a wave of a magic wand will right matters in days – which would undermine the wonderful portrayal to date. Next Rob and Helen – was Helen drugged?; just drinks and self loathing thinks Lucy. Much concern that BBC did not give any warnings of injudicious content. Lucy considers that Helen’s report of her vulnerabilities effectively gave Rob the green light for his actions. Given Rob’s virulent attack on Jim, Pat’s conversion to Team Rob following their kitchen discussion seems highly unlikely to everyone. Finally Pip’s abrupt employment volte face was typical of how not to handle a story line – we all know the production team can...  See acast.com