Charlotte Angel Connection

Charlotte Angel Connection Episode 102: Hall T. Martin, Founder and CEO of TEN Capital Network



Today, we welcome Hall T. Martin to the podcast.  Hall is the Founder and CEO of TEN Capital Networks, formerly known as the Texas Entrepreneurial Network.  He has been involved in the Texas angel investors community since at least 2006 when he became the director of the Central Texas Angel Network.  Since then, Hall has gone on to start or run the Wilco Angel Network, the Austin Entrepreneur Network, the Baylor Angel Network and several others. Hall was kind enough to have me on his podcast to talk about what's happening in the Charlotte startup/angel community a few weeks ago. In those discussions, I learned some things about Hall and his approach to angel investing I thought would be valuable to share with our listeners. One of the more interesting things we dive into his view of a 3X in 3 years approach to the companies they invest in. It's a essentially a redemption right which protects the investor from having the startup turn into more of a lifestyle business than a fast growing startup to be acquired