Yes, And...

Tibet Fest: Compassion Is Your Best Weapon



“Even the most selfish person should find compassion very, very attractive,” expresses Sonam Nyatsatsang, the festival producer of Tibet Fest, with a smile. He is joined by Sontri Jorkhang, a volunteer for the festival and our youngest guest this season. They describe the Tibetan culture of compassion and what it looks like in their everyday lives. Sonam speaks to the history of Tibetan immigration to Seattle and the responsibility to be a voice for the 99% of Tibetans still living in Tibet, who do not have the freedom of expression he has, living in the United States. While, Sontri shares his passion for his culture and respect for his elders, which fuels a sense of responsibility to keep the festival thriving for future generations of Tibetans.  Learn more about Tibet Fest: Compassion 2020 Program: 09/17/19 Update: Sontri was selected to participate in the 2020 delegation!