Collections By Michelle Brown

Collections by Michelle Brown wsg L. Michael Gipson



Originally from Chicago, as a youth, L. Michael Gipson lived briefly in Wiesbaden, Germany, where he excelled as an honor student. After returning to the United States when he was 16, Gipson came out to his family and was subsequently kicked out of his home. Gipson describes himself as a Street Kid Made Good. Situationally homeless at age 16, the trajectory of his life changed dramatically following a chance meeting with two dynamic Black doctoral candidates in Chicago. They saw his potential taking him under their wings and mentoring him. The rest, as they say, is history. L Michael Gipson is clearly a master of all trades! With his warm, humorous storytelling, you’re in for a ride as we follow Michael’s colorful journey from a young adult shaped by two life-changing mentors to becoming a life-changing mentor himself. Gipson is deeply appreciated and respected as a blogger who publishes a popular daily microblog, “The Gipson Gazette,” where he and over 6000 followers talk about film, music, culture, polit