Charlotte Angel Connection

Charlotte Angel Connection Episode 101: Don Rainey, General Partner with Grotech Ventures



  Today Don Rainey, Partner with Grotech Ventures, joins us on the Charlotte Angel Connection.  Don is an experienced venture capitalist with a track record of successful enterprises. He has been involved with internet-based companies building large audiences and businesses for over 20 years. Over that time, he has made investments in ecommerce, fintech, networking technology and social media-related startups. Don moved to the Lake Norman area in 2013.  He is part of a growing number of Lake Norman area residents who have experience in the venture/startup space. They are increasingly utilizing Davidson’s Hurt Hub as a place to meet, network and share opportunities. In our podcast today, Don speaks about the role of a venture capitalist.   We talked some about Don’s decision to move into the VC space “way back” in 2000 – including the story of his first pitch.  Given Don’s experience, we had some fun talking about the his most and least successful investments.  He goes into nice detail talking about what cr