Corporate Talk With Charlie And Eva

Navigating Change | Tag, Youre The Leader!-Navigating Change | Tag, Youre The Leader!



"The first act of creation is the destruction of the status quo. When everything falls apart, dont stop dreaming. Dream bigger." ~Martha Beck During this unprecedented time, there is one major certainty, we are in midst of big change. A change that no one has navigated before. Uncertainty hangs in the air as we grieve for our old way of life. Going through Kubler Ross 5 stages of grief feels overwhelming: denial, anger, depression, bargaining and finally, acceptance. Typically we look to someone experienced to lead us through a time of upheaval. But what do you do when theres no leader℗ When everyone is dealing with their own emotions℗ The answer is simple but not necessarily easy, you become the leader. You are the leader of your job, your life, your emotions. Ive studied with and been mentored by some of the biggest names in self development and spirituality. In this podcast, I share some of what Ive learned (and continue to learn). Listen as Charlie and I discuss the cyc