Kettlebrook West Bend

Jesus' Lament, Luke 13:31-35; 19:28-44



Questions for discussion: 1. Did you celebrate “Palm Sunday” at all while growing up? If so, what do you remember from it? What kinds of things did you do? 2. Have you ever had a moment in your life when you look at a situation and you are threatened to despair and say, “this is just so broken?” What was that like? Can you explain the situation? 3. Read Luke 19:28-44. What things stood out to you? What do you learn about God from this passage? About us/ourselves? 4. Why do you think Jesus wept? What was it about the situation that made him lose it emotionally? How does it help you to know that Jesus wept over the brokenness he saw in the world? 5. Mike said, “Jesus is the one person in all of history who could on one hand weep over the brokenness of the world while simultaneously set about to do something about it.” Do you agree with that statement? Why or why not? What do you suppose he meant? 6. Find and read John 11:25-26. Read it and discuss what you think Jesus meant. Share what you believe about w