Gg2h-angela J. Perry

Season 2: Episode 16 Homeschooling life lessons through the grieving process of a loved one, Rashida Freeman



Season 2: Episode 16  Creative and resourceful, those are words used to describe Rashida Freeman. As a homeschool Mom and spokeswoman for modern day motherhood, she pioneers the way to allowing children to be free to find themselves and explore their interests, while also raising respectful and productive children. As a mother of four, Rashida has formulated the healthy balance between modern and traditional parenting. Rashida is a teen mom who felt compelled to abide by the outdated parenting methods that were presented to her by her elders. Realizing that there must be a better way, she decided that it was time to take charge of how she raises her children, and now spreads that awareness to all moms. When afforded a moment of free time, Rashida enjoys engaging in girl’s night out and attending basketball games with her family. Rashida resides in Charlotte, North Carolina. FULL INTERVIEW release on Girlfriends Chat with Angela Jordan Perry PODCAST @ Weekly Interview Teaser and