Dr. Lisa Gives A Sh*t

DLG234 In this difficult time, Dr. Grant H. Brenner an expert psychiatrist, is here to advise.



Dr Grant Brenner is a board certified physician-psychiatrist, an entrepreneur, author, teacher, speaker and not-for-profit board member. He has been featured on a variety of top ranked psychology resources and media as a thought leader and contributor. In other words, he’s a highly qualified professional unlike myself. At least I have people to call on! Dr. Brenner has been involved with many traumatic situations including 9/11—he wrote a book based on his experience and knowledge, so it was great to get his valuable insights. We discussed a range of subjects including how people in different circumstance, parents, single people, couples can effectively cope. And he talked about what he’s been seeing in his practice as well. I found this session reassuring since simply hearing from a pro that this is indeed as crazy as it feels and we are all developing from it together in real time—that’s all anyone can do. But there is an opportunity for growth in all of us. The bonus of the episode is that Grant has a wort