The Lead With Jake Tapper

Study: No benefits, higher death rate in patients taking hydroxychloroquine for coronavirus; Georgia, South Carolina to reopen some businesses, despite WH guideline that says cases need to decrease for 14 days; Schumer, Pelosi praise additions Democrats s



GA, SC, TN, CO scaling back restrictions even though they don't meet White House guidance on reopening; Some Georgia mayors outraged over Gov's decision to reopen; New study: outbreak may be 55-times larger in L.A. county; Dr. Sanjay Gupta gets his own antibody test; Trump falsely claims testing criticism is only from Dems; Trump tries to shore up his base amid criticism over his handling of coronavirus pandemic; Trump finishes meeting with NY Gov. Cuomo at White House; As oil markets crash, Trump pledges to save oil industry jobs; Businesses concerned about lawsuit as Trump pushes to reopen U.S. economy; CA schools move to online learning, students struggle to log on; Los Angeles schools spend additional $2M to close digital divide; U.S. Official: North Korean leader in grave danger after surgery; Chile to issue digital immunity cards to people who have fully recovered from coronavirus; Data shows death tolls in England & Wales 41% higher than reported by govt; British doctor warns of "ver