Thrive Forever Fit With Jay Nixon

Episode 29: Will Your 2019 Be Abundant or Average?



Will Your 2019 Be Abundant or Average? Listening To This Podcast Will Improve Your Odds Of Abundant By 92%    It’s that time of year again.  People are making resolutions, declarations and shouting from the rooftops that this year is going to be different.  The truth is that this year won’t be different. In all honesty, it’s probably going to be worse.  You most likely you’ll end 2019 in worse shape physically, emotionally and financially.  I know, you’re thinking "WTF Jay" you’re supposed to be Mr. Positivity.  Listen I’m not trying to be Debbie The Downer, but I can’t lie to you and tell you it’s all going to be better because you’ve set a goal.  You see less than 8% of ALL New Years Resolutions are achieved. That’s an awful percentage, and it shows that most people don’t follow through with their BIG PLANS.  If we're really honest, most people don’t even believe the declaration when they make it. They know they aren’t going to do the work necessary to mak