Thrive Forever Fit With Jay Nixon

Episode 33: "God's Not A Wishing Well" ~ EC



"God's Not A Wishing Well" ~ EC I love this line from Eric Church's new song - Why Not Me.  It goes right along with the theme of this podcast:  1. If You've Got A "Plan B" (Backup Plan) Then Your "Plan A" Is Destined To Fail - Quiet Now 2. Burn Your Boat If You Want To Succeed  3. What Would Happen If You Went All In?  After listening to this episode, you'll know exactly what happens when you go ALL IN.  What If You Went ALL In On You?  I'm not talking about for an hour, a day or even a week.  I'm talking about 100% ALL IN on being your best YOU in every area of your life.  Have you ever do that?  Can you imagine the impact it would have on you and everyone around you?  Can you imagine what life would be like?  Can you?  I can tell you for personal experience that the difference from being kinda in and ALL IN is drastically different.  When I stopped dipping my toe in the ocean of life and jumped in with both feet my life COMPLETEL