Thrive Forever Fit With Jay Nixon

Episode 44: You Can Have Perfect Sight And No Vision



You Can Have Perfect Sight And No Vision - It Happened To Me Last week was challenging for me.  I've been seeking clarity on a couple of projects and business ideas, with little luck.  So like clockwork, the Universe stepped in and began to try to show me the way. I only say "try" because I can be a little, and sometimes she has to work overtime to get her message through my thick skull.  Her first three attempts were subtle and clear, but as I mentioned above, my thick skull sometimes prevents the delivery.  And because she knows I'm a visual learner, she did what only the Universe can do. She planted the message right in front of my face.  As you listen to the podcast, you hear about the following:  1. "Comparison Is the Thief of Joy" ~ Theodore Roosevelt 2. "Unhappiness Is Always Accompanied by Comparison." ~ Ed Mylett 3. How a young man with no sight gave me clarity on my vision - Thanks Jake @jakeolson61 I hope you gave some clarity and vision for yourself after liste