Thrive Forever Fit With Jay Nixon

Episode 53: How I Lost Over 100 Pounds And How You Can Too! Interview with Sylvia K.



How I Lost Over 100 Pounds And How You Can Too! Interview with Sylvia K. In this interview with my client Sylvia, she talks about how, after 47 years of trying everything she finally found the weight loss system that worked for her. (If you'd like more information on the Thrive Forever Fit Program visit - ⁣The first day I meet Sylvia, she could barely tie her own shoes without it being a struggle. Her diabetes was completely out of control, and her health was at an all-time low. Fast forward to today, and she is THRIVING! Her diabetes is under control, and her health is amazing She is a certified yoga instructor She will soon be a certified personal trainer She's living and loving life I couldn't be more PROUD of another human. Sylvia is the perfect example of what someone can accomplish when they trade their can'ts for cans and start taking action on their dreams. PROUD of you, buddy! Thanks for listening to the Thrive Forever Fit Show!