Thrive Forever Fit With Jay Nixon

Episode 63: Diet vs. Transformation (yes they are very different)



Diet vs. Transformation (yes they are very different) In this episode, I'm going to example the differences between a diet and a transformation. After you've listened I you'll have all the tools, knowledge, and resources to make an educated decision on which one is best for you. Secret: There is only one correct answer. Power Takeaways from this Episode: 1. Diets are based on deprivation and starvation vs. Transformation, which are built on modification and moderation. 2. Diets have a start and stop date, which means once the stop date comes, you will revert back to your pre-start habits, which equal weight gain vs. Transformations that don't have an end date or finish line. When there is no end date, you continue to build momentum and progress as you go. 3. Diets are built on quick-fix gimmicks, pills, potions and lotions, and the ever-popular buzz term hacks vs. Transformations, which are built on mindful, intelligent decision making through modifications and moderation. 4. Diets might bring short term i