Thrive Forever Fit With Jay Nixon

Episode 70: WORD ~ WHY ~ WOW



WORD ~ WHY ~ WOW In this episode, I will teach you my Word ~ Why ~ Wow Success System for 2020. This is how you will get all the things you desire out of life this year. It's simple, easy and effective. Power Takeaways From This Episode: 1. 96.37% of ALL New Years Resolutions Fail 2. Every time you break a promise you make to yourself it gets easier to break the next one. 3. WORDS have power ~ Pick a word that makes you feel, a word that makes you want to take positive inspired action on your life. 4. WHY ~ If you why is strong enough you will find a way. This is why most resolutions fail and why most people don’t get what they want out of life. They don’t know or have a strong enough why. 5. WOW ~ Set goals that when you achieve them it makes you say wow. Don’t under index your life by setting tiny easily attainable goals. Go get the life you deserve and desire. 6. Community ~ Accountability and support are crucial to your success. Surround yourself with people who believe in you and who desire a be