Thrive Forever Fit With Jay Nixon

Episode 71: Transformation Is An Inside Job 



Transformation Is An Inside Job 
 The Dictionary defines TRANSFORMATION as:  ● a thorough or dramatic change in form or appearance ● a metamorphosis during the life cycle of an animal    In this episode, we will discuss the phases of a transformation and how I believe it all begins and even ends on the inside. 
   Power Takeaways From This Episode:      1. We think of transformation in the visual sense ~ before and after photos or numbers decreasing on a scale, but this isn’t where the process begin it’s merely a side effect of the success of the decision that way made.    2. I believe that all transformations begin on the inside with the decision that you will no longer tolerate your current situation whatever it may be.      3. And without this decision the visual portion of the transformation never happens because the process lacks the strength ~ the WHY ~ that is mandatory for any successful change to occur.       4. Where