Lifechurch Livonia Sermons

Liminal Spaces: The Grave (Good Friday)



Everyone is looking for hope right now. For the Christian, this weekend of Good Friday to Easter is the epicenter of a hope that is eternal. It goes way beyond this week, this month, this virus, and this lifetime. We celebrate the death and resurrection of Jesus. In this Good Friday service, we take time to grieve the losses that have come to us in this unexpected season of pandemic. We grieve knowing that if we engage with these deaths, God will bring resurrection to us, just like he brought resurrection to Jesus. If you are new, we'd love to have you join us for our Sunday Streams at 10am Sunday mornings. We'd especially love for you to join our Easter service this coming Sunday. Our youtube and facebook are linked below. you need help, prayer, or want to take a next step with our church, click the link below and fill out our connection card: