
#70 Stephanie Thompson Shares Her 1-Day Women’s Conference Talk: What Do You Need God To Shift In Your Life?



On today’s episode, I’ll be speaking with this incredible mama, Stephanie Thompson. This past October at our Women’s 1-Day Conference, I asked some women to immerse themselves in the story of a woman from the Gospels who encountered Jesus and share what they learned. Stephanie chose the woman with 2 coins. It's a more obscure story, but one that has changed her perspective profoundly. Ladies, what ache in your heart have you spent days, months, or years crying out to Jesus about? Stephanie wants to tell you how the Good Father loves you deeply, restores & redeems ALL things, & invites you to lay everything at His feet, expecting He will come through in miraculous ways. Because the women who attended shared how powerful all these messages were, I wanted to record them and share them with all of you.