It's A Slate Of Mind

Ep. 1: Digital Isolation & Who the Heck is Alison Haselden?



In this episode Alison explains her inspiration behind creating the podcast and fills you in on her background in the entertainment industry (aka who the heck she is and why should you bother listening). She also dives in to the concept of digital isolation, the bubble that's been created because of technology and social media and how it's affecting the way we connect. We'll cover what digital isolation is, how it affects us specifically in the entertainment industry (both career-wise and personally), and methods for breaking the bubble and sparking deeper, more engaging connections with others in the industry.   Have you experienced digital isolation? How has it affected your career and how do you combat it? Share a comment and let us know!  About the show: It's a Slate of Mind with Alison Haselden is a video-podcast designed to spark honest, unfiltered conversations within the entertainment industry community about things we're all thinking but don't talk about enough. It can feel isolating i