It's A Slate Of Mind

Ep. 2: Everyone's Got an Opinion with Naddya Alicea



In this episode Alison and guest Naddya Alicea chat about Opinions: who to listen to, who not to listen to, how to take constructive criticism, how to draw the line between opinions and gossip, and the struggles surrounding the public feeling like they deserve a say on actor's lives. Opinions are truly one of the core pillars of what the entertainment industry is built on. It’s also one of the aspects of this world that people get hung up on more than almost anything else. In this episode, Alison and Naddya examine the subject from all angles and share their personal experiences regarding opinions. You're sure to relate to at least one aspect (but let's be real, probably all of them). This episode's featured guest: Naddya Alicea (actress/singer/model/makeup artist) Instagram: Website: Represented by the Jana Van Dyke Agency About the show: It's a Slate of Mind with Alison Haselden is a video-podcast designed to spark honest, unfiltered conve