It's A Slate Of Mind

Ep. 22: What I Learned In My Year Seeking Representation



In this episode Alison gets real about what her first year living in Atlanta has been like as she's searched for new representation. The highs, the lows, the real feelings and struggles she faced along with the top lessons she's learned over this time and why she's actually glad in many ways that the road hasn't been easy. If you're struggling to add new representation whether you're brand new to the industry or trying to break into a new market, you'll be able to relate to this episode. About the show:  It's a Slate of Mind with Alison Haselden is a podcast designed to spark honest, unfiltered conversations within the entertainment industry community about things we're all thinking but don't talk about enough. It can feel isolating in this digital age (anyone else trapped in a self-tape bubble?), but we don't have to go it alone. Alison invites you to join her circle of friends new and old as we tackle the industry together.  Alison Haselden grew up as a child actor and singer (her first time on se