It's A Slate Of Mind

Ep. 31: 5 Steps to Recover From Artistic Loss



Not a single one of us is immune to the feelings of hurt and disappointment and a sense of loss when our hopes and expectations aren’t met in this life. But artistic loss hits just a little bit differently, doesn’t it? Whether you were convinced you were booking a role and didn't, are feeling like your career is stagnant when your friends are thriving, or a production got cancelled last minute, we will all experience artistic loss several times in our careers as artists. How we choose to deal with it is up to us and can change the course of our lives if we let it. In the Season 2 finale episode, Alison provides 5 steps to recovery from artistic loss.  About the show: It's a Slate of Mind with Alison Haselden is a podcast designed to spark honest, unfiltered conversations within the entertainment industry community about things we're all thinking but don't talk about enough. It can feel isolating in this digital age (anyone else trapped in a self-tape bubble?), but we don't have to go it alone. Alison inv