Ibn 'arabi Society

Qurrat al-'Ayn, the Maiden of the Ka'ba



Pablo Beneito is currently Professor of the Translation and Interpretation Department in the Faculty of Letters at the University of Murcia. He has published editions and translations of several works of Ibn 'Arabi including Mashahid al-Asrar - Las contemplaciones de los misterios (with S. Hakim), which was translated into English as Contemplation of the Holy Mysteries together with Cecilia Twinch. He edited and translated into Spanish the Kashf al-ma'na - El secreto de los nombres de Dios, which has also appeared in French. In collaboration with Stephen Hirtenstein he edited and translated Ibn 'Arabi's Awrad al-usbu (Wird) - The Seven Days of the Heart. He is the editor of El Azufre Rojo (Red Sulfur: Journal of Studies on Ibn 'Arabi, which first appeared in 2014). He is a founder member and President of Muhyiddin Ibn 'Arabi Society-Latina (MIAS- Latina), established in 2011