Gg2h-angela J. Perry

S 2: E 11 Stop focusing on proving your ability to home educate your children to others and just educate them with Shamay Oware



To see Shamay Oware's short interview teaser go to Girlfriends' Guide to Homeschooling with Angela Jordan Perry on YouTube  or on Facebook S2: E11 on Girlfriends Chat: Stop focusing on proving your ability to home educate your children to others and just educate them. Shamay shares how she was focusing so hard in her homeschooling to prove to others that her children were indeed educated and learning in their homeschooling to the point it was become more of a burden in homeschooling then a joy. You know how people do. As soon as they find out your child is homeschooled they grill them with a dozen questions to see 'just how much they know.' In this podcast Shamay relays the way she moved past the feelings and the actions of having to prove herself to others to the place of freedom and enjoyment of her personal homeschooling journey. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Shamay Oware is