Subway Sagas

Nobody Likes Midtown East



Sean convinces Sharon to allow them to dedicate an entire episode topic to him ranting about the sorry state of MTA escalators in Midtown East this past summer. Sean dubs it "The MTA's Summer of Escalator Hell" as he gets himself worked up venting about the number of broken escalators at the 53rd and Lex E/M station. His rant includes ever-changing timetables, egregious misuse of MTA resources, and passive-aggressive privately-owned escalators.  During News of the Week, Sharon shares a dark tale with a surprise fortunate ending, while Sean dissects an article about the progress (or lack thereof) the city has made in improving #BusLyfe. SEPTA makes an appearance in this episode’s anecdote. Also, Sean brings back M.T.A-holes with an offender that Sharon dubs the best M.T.A-hole segment yet.