Worldbuilder's Anvil

Episode 312 Worldbuilding Basic for my indie RPG video game



Today's Topic - Part one of X,  hey I am a novice video game designer Please Subscribe, Rate and Review us on iTunesFor complete Fantasy Worldbuilding, show notes go to Podcast Show Flow Overview needs for indie JRPG game Baurhdrakkeim 7 Tribes – Lutteim, Ichluttiem, Äbunluttiem, Bhalfqareim, Tracchuliem, Veintraccqariem, Hirreim Ordassa Location Status Names Duke in charge of the county Maps Travel map(s) County overview 8 Community maps – Lichenniczeedohar (Green Lake City, Location of (Mainzphar) Berpqenololhumphar – Orc Danger Castle Player home (Lutteim) Ichluttiem home Äbunluttiem home Bhalfqareim home Tracchuliem home Veintraccqariem home Hirreim home Lichenniczeedfamïmas Green lake islands Classes Warrior Class per tribe Poet (Rouge) Holy magic Carver Magic Characters WBT Scene-by-scene – find your worldbuilding needs   RW  Task Relax and have some fun             Michael's Resources Use when shopping online to help support the show Fundamentals of Stor