Wilson Waffling

99: Team Bridges



This appears to be the time for conferences, as my twitter time line is awash with hashtags and images of powerpoint slides. Reading through the tweets I like to see and hear people’s views and practices. Tomorrow I will be attending our faculty away day at a local hotel with the theme of building bridges. Bridges, as you are aware, join two places together usually across some sort of barrier whether this be a river, chasm or transport system. Within universities there exists many faculties and although the chasm between these is limited to the confines of the university buildings, it is always beneficial to establish links between faculties in order to share not only resources but also practice. Last Tuesday I received a ‘bridge’ in the form of an email from the Dean of the Faculty of Arts to attend a session about Team Based Learning. Being keen on any form of learning, I quickly rearranged my calendar in order to attend – so what is my opinion about Team Based Learning (TBL)? Well, that is what this waffle