Thrive Forever Fit With Jay Nixon

Episode 74: The Fad Will Lead You Back To FAT



The Fad Will Lead You Back To FAT In this episode, I will discuss why the transition from fad diet to a sustainable lifestyle is harder than you think ~ the to evidence proves this to be true. Power Takeaways From This Episode: 1. The hottest fad in the “diet” world is the Ketogenic diet ~ everyone is doing it, trying it, or going to do it ~ companies have shifted their entire product lines to Keto Approved, Keto Friendly, or Keto something. Even Fitness and Nutrition coaches without a strong foundation in longterm results are jumping on the Keto bandwagon in droves too. 2. The Keto diet is basically the Atkins diet on Extreme ~ One key difference between the keto diet, and Atkins is the amount of protein you're allowed to take in. There's no cap on Atkins, while keto limits protein to about 20 percent of your daily calories. On Atkins, you eventually reintroduce carbs, but on keto, carbs are always limited. 3. The bottom line for both Keto, Atkins, and all the other hack and quick-fix diets is that they