Corporate Talk With Charlie And Eva

Why Bother With Self Developmentand#x2117;-Why Bother With Self Developmentand#x2117;



Think about the number of peoples lives youve directly or indirectly touched on any given day: Your family and friends People on the road People at the coffee shop or store People at work Just to name a few Now think about the impression you left on them. Did you leave them with a smile, a frown or neutral (what I like to call at least "do no harm"). We do have the power to affect peoples lives on any given day. And the way we interact with our family sets the stage for how they will interact out in the world. But when you think of personal development work do you feel its self indulgent or selfish℗ Or maybe you think its worthwhile but dont know where to start℗ Listen as Charlie and I discuss personal development, why its important and what tangible, simple steps you can take today to make a positive difference.