Real Relationships With Paula

How to cultivate a healthy relationship



Niche Radio — It always amazes me how we are prepared to invest so much time, effort, energy and resources into areas of our lives such as the car we drive, the house we live in, our career and material assets. Yet we don't think much further than our wedding day as to what it takes to sustain a relationship and only grudgingly invest in our relationship when the divorce courts are looming.... The reality is that there is no such thing as the perfect person or perfect relationship. Rather, it’s how perfect can you be for each other and for the benefit of your relationship. It’s the small steps you take each day that lead to your success in the long term. Everyone can have a happy relationship if they are prepared to do what it takes. So what are some of the ways that couples succeed at their relationships? Listen to this week’s episode to get some great insights on how couples make their relationships work. Don’t miss out on the Mancave “Meeting of the Minds” session on Thurs 17 Nov 18:30-20:30 in