Real Relationships With Paula

The Blame Game



Niche Radio — When we get stuck in the blame game there can be no winning, only degrees of losing. This is probably one of the hardest cycles for a couple to break when they are caught up in the blame game. It’s a constant keeping score, stonewalling, waiting for the other to make the first move and more. When in fact very little actually happens and instead the wedge just gets driven deeper and deeper between the two until there is no coming back from it and the relationship completely breaks down. Here are some questions you can use that will go a long way to start getting you out of the blame game cycle and back on the same page with each other again: What can I do that can create more safety in our relationship? How can I talk about my own experience without blaming my partner? How can I be more curious about what my partner is experiencing even if I don’t agree with them? How can I let go of the need to be right? “When you blame others, you give up your power to change.” ~Dr. Robert Anthony