Real Relationships With Paula

Bring Back The Spark



Niche Radio — Couples that have been together for a few years run the risk of getting into a familiar routine in their relationship where they are comfortable with each other and their day to day interactions. The risk with this is that comfort zones can become complacent and when a couple is complacent, their relationship can become dull and boring including the physical aspect of their relationship. So how do you keep the spark alive? Well you have to constantly build the intimacy and connection between each other. Often intimacy and sex are confused as one and the same thing but they are not. How do you know the spark is gone in your relationship? Look out for these key signs: • You’re not attracted to your partner anymore • Everything in your relationship seems like hard work • You’re not having much (if any) nooky time • You have no connection or communication outside of day-to-day chores • You only focus on the negatives in your relationship • Your relationship is not a priority