Real Relationships With Paula

Going from Singledom to Coupledom



Niche Radio — Going from being single to being in relationship can be a quite an adjustment. In this week’s podcast I chat to Kelly and Jacques as to their journey and how they managed the transition from being single to being a couple. It starts with changing your mindset from a single perspective (i.e. I, me and mine to a us, we and ours). You’ve got to realise that there is someone else in your life now and that you need to take them into account too when it comes to decisions, emotions, feelings and needs. A relationship is a partnership and you both need to work together to make your relationship thrive. Download my Perfect Partner checklist to help you discover the kind of life partner you are looking for to share your life with. Also have a look at my Building Relationships workshop on 27 May 2017 which is applicable to both singles and couples where I take you through the dynamics of a relationship and how to equip yourself with tools and insights that will set you up for success.