Real Relationships With Paula

Living a Large Life



Niche Radio — For the majority of us clothing shopping is a relatively easy task but for a plus size person, it can be quite traumatic and difficult. Society at large attached stigmas and labels to people who are overweight whether that be due to health or other reasons. Hayley-Joy has had to learn to embrace her insecurities of not only being older than her partner but also about her weight and having to put herself out there as the face of the Hayley-Joy brand. She is revolutionizing the fashion industry by literally removing these labels and by providing a safe place where plus size woman can feel at ease in that they are #ashapenotasize Listen to dynamic duo Hayley-Joy and Cornel who chat to me about their journey and their recipe for success. If you want to know the secret to having a great relationship, have a look at my upcoming Building Relationships workshop for singles and couples on 27 May 2017. Follow me on social media here: FaceBook Twitter Youtube Pinterest Google+ LinkedIn