

The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the single greatest event that the world has ever witnessed. When Christ rose from the dead, He defeated death and Satan and sealed the victory for all who trust in Him. We give each other gifts at Christmastime to represent the gifts that God gave us in sending in Son Jesus into the world. At Easter time we can celebrate the gifts God offers us – salvation and the gift of the Holy Spirit. The gift of the Holy Spirit was given to the disciples Easter Sunday (John 20:22). That spectacular gift was only given to a few Old Testament saints, including young David (1 Samuel 16:13). 1 Samuel 16:7 tells us that God doesn’t look at the outside appearance but looks upon the heart. Big Idea: This Easter let God examine your heart. Accept His gift of salvation and experience the gift of the Holy Spirit. (1 Samuel 16, John 20:19-23)