Worldbuilder's Anvil

Episode 309 New Year's Holidays



Today's Topic - Why do you think 1/1? Please Subscribe, Rate and Review us on iTunesFor complete Fantasy Worldbuilding, show notes go to Podcast Show Flow Why Families are not just around in the holidays. What are the problems What if the family does not support my dreams? Stopping the family drama Learning, lack of impulse control and hormones raging. What to do when you think your toddler or infant is out to get you? How do I let go? Let your kids be a kid, redirect them. They are not out to get you. Manage yourself Get your sleep (7-9) hours Transition Release meditation WBT Come up with a fictional New Year holiday RW  Task             Commit to improving yourself, do it for 60 days Michael's Resources Use when shopping online to help support the show 9 New Year's Traditions From Cultures Around The World April Fools' Day: Origin and History The Isaiah Show               Links ((((((((((((((((((((((((((( Visit Show notes ))))))))))))))))))))))))) https: