

OVERVIEW During this episode, Forbes Riley, talks to your host Miro Wcislo. Learn what professional help can get you, and what it can do to improve your way if life towards success. Episode Highlights • What does “Forbesed” mean? • What do you really want? • How do you get what you really want? • Where do we get our “operating system”? • Why do we need professional help? • What are professional coaches for? • What do your coaches see on you? • Key Points 1. Nobody really cares about you, therefore you make changes and things for yourself. What you want is what you want for yourself, not for other’s sake. 2. When you do get professional help, always accept what they ask you to do, after all, you paid them to help you, and they know what really needs to be done. 3. Tweetable Quotes • “The truth is, nobody really cares about you…If you actually want it, you’d get it” – Forbes Riley. • “Life comes down to if you don’t clear what you want, you’ll just get leftovers.” – Forbes Riley • “why can’t you fix your