Wilson Waffling

136: Don’t blame Powerpoint – it’s done nothing wrong…



With the students returning back to university tomorrow, things will be getting back to normal. Many have been working over the Easter break or been on placement, but it is only when the students actually return that the university seems ‘alive’ again. Tomorrow I will start teaching again, mainly mathematics, and I spent some time last week prepping the sessions and putting the resources on the VLE. One resource which is uploaded is the student version of the presentation for the session in the form of PowerPoint slides. I recently read an article about presenting without the use of PowerPoint and I thought I would waffle this week why I think it is important to have something like Powerpoint at our disposal as practitioners… The complete transcript and links can be found by following the link to my Wilson Waffling blog below. Remember keep up to date with my waffles by subscribing to; Twitter- http://goo.gl/FcZaz Blog - http://goo.gl/IRne5D Youtube - http://goo.gl/ssxQNw Facebook - http://goo.gl/lDp6B