Wilson Waffling

139: Goggling at Google Drive



When I introduce myself to the students in my first session with them, I always tell them about my taste in coffee, colours and my favourite animal. Before long it becomes apparent that I am somewhat of an Apply Fan Boy! (Well probably Apply Fan Aged Man – is more accurate.) We all have preferences and these tend to build up over a period of time and we can easily become an ambassador for the application. One of the applications which I always recommend and use is Google Drive. Why? well that is what this waffle is all about. The complete transcript and links can be found by following the link to my Wilson Waffling blog below. Remember keep up to date with my waffles by subscribing to; Twitter- http://goo.gl/FcZaz Blog - http://goo.gl/IRne5D Youtube - http://goo.gl/ssxQNw Facebook - http://goo.gl/lDp6B Podcasts - http://goo.gl/NeEWjF Have fun and catch you later!