Wilson Waffling

149: Can this be true? More books = More money!



Can anyone tell me how the world works? Why do I need to know this? Well, as you might be aware I have two blogs, this my professional one and I have a second one which is my ‘personal/gaming’ blog. I blog every Saturday to my personal blog (I love the name I came up with – Back of Beyond!) and yesterday I published a post which was part of the continuing saga of my weird life. Currently, and I’ve just checked, it has a total of forty one views – one of my highest recorded views of any of my blog posts and two comments! Returning to my original question, why does that happen when I write a blog about being weird? Answers, as always, in the comments below . This week’s waffle is something slightly different – I read an article this morning while eating my usual two slices of toast and really thought – could this actual be true? Well, what follows are my thoughts… The complete transcript and links can be found by following the link to my Wilson Waffling blog below. Remember keep up to date with my waffles by