Cornelius Quiring's Podcast

Reading Harlequin Romance: Taken by the Prince, Chapters 7 – 9



A quick recap of last week: Our hero, Raul, had to go see pop-pop in his office and of course they got into another argument. Raul tells dad that he's leaving town, heading back to his real momma's home country to regain his rightful throne. But, before he leaves, he goes to a ball cause he wants to see our leading lady, Victoria. Where does he find her? In the dark, angry and vulnerable after having had some creep guy try to get with her. What does our hero do? Take advantage of the situation of course. He picks her up out of anger (from his earlier meeting with papa) holding her over the balcony and then starts making out with her! Victoria has really conflicting emotions because she hates him but it's also super hot. Now ... onto this weeks action.