Lina Jones Diamondnetwork Show

Pre-recorded the authors are taken over



Happy Labor Day Diamonds! Thank you all for your support for the show! Thanks to you many new musicians, artist, entrepreneurs and self-employed are being recognized and its not costing them a dime!  So please continue to support the show! This week I am taking a long weekend break but I haven't left you empty I have two fabulous interviews that were recorded a few months back Authors Regina Puckett and Susan Aylworth will be keeping you company. If you missed the first interview Monday will be a good time to catch-up. I will be introducing a new music promotion on the show Gospel Hip Hop Artist TJ Praise I'llI be playing some of his songs on Monday. Remember if you like him give him a retweet in Twitter and a "like" on my Facebook page. I have a new twitter and facebook page and the website for the show will be out this week! Yay! I'm so excited there will be lots of #goodstuff there. I will be back next Monday LIVE so don't abondon me come back again for next Monday's show. Are you self-employed? Be my