Your Narrative

Ryan Tuckwood - CEO & Young Entrepreneur of the Year Winner



I recently visited Ryan Tuckwood at his Surfers Paradise office on the Gold Coast. We were greeted warmly by his staff and we took a tour of the premises that 2 of the 3 businesses he is involved in operate from. We were then taken into the boardroom. It was here, with a backdrop covered with his past clients and success stories, where I would hear of how a mechanical engineer from Leicester who had $2 to his name and was sleeping on a mattress on his friend's floor not all that long ago, became a sales expert, CEO and Young Entrepreneur of the Year recipient.A guy who also has a keen eye for fashion, above all I have found Ryan to be down to earth yet harbours big goals and has an admirable work ethic that anyone could learn from. If you're looking for gold nuggets surrounding how to take the resources you have and make something from it, I suggest you listen to this episode. Key taking: When you're up against the ropes it's time to throw punches!Connect with me: Instagram - @matt__fay or @narrativehubYou ca