China Paradigms

84: The Soft Skills Needed To Build A Business In China



Matthieu David interviews Greg Nance, CEO of In this China business podcast, we learn about his company, how has been lucrative on a very powerful niche offering mentorship to students who want to study abroad and need to navigate the vast mechanisms of admissions that ivy league colleges have in place. Knowledge is power and that’s exactly why it is a valuable resource that manages to place at their scholars’ disposal. How can offer quality certified mentorship, how they attract mentors and how they put them in touch with aspiring scholars on a daily basis? We’ll find that out and much more in this podcast! Skip to the highlights: 0:08 Guest introduction and company history 1:56 – how does this platform work and who is it built for? 3:30 The business model perspective – how does earn revenue? 4:26 The traditional way of studying abroad vs the digital reach of a dot com 6:06 Certified mentors and scalable quality based on feedback – what takes